This is Domestic Abuse — Part 1

The Secret Suffering of Unsuspecting Sensitive Souls by Poisonous Partners Behind Closed Doors.

You may have heard me mention on several podcasts now that I believe, in relation to the chronic condition Endometrosis, that it is The Five P’s Poisons (Produce, Products, Property, Past & People) all combined, that makes Endometriosis such a challenging condition to put in remission, and why the conventional medical route of pain killers, drugs and surgery may aggravate and irritate the already inflamed body.

I have touched on the subject of poisonous or toxic people and their effect on others in the past and how in some extreme cases may actually affect the physical and emotional health in particular to women with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. The toxicity that is projected has been shown in studies to increase inflammation in the body, negatively affect hormonal levels and hinder the natural healing process.

This underground toxicity may be a partial explanation of why the conditions impact some women with…



Wendy K Laidlaw |

World’s Leading ‘Endometriosis Naturally’ Expert & Emotionologist Coaching Women How To Put Endometriosis Condition Into Remission with Laidlaw Protocols.